Create Review Round

Start a new Round

Roslin Performance works by running a Review Round that holds all of the Employee Reviews. This can encompass all of your active users or a subset of them. You could run a large round for your whole organisation or a smaller round for only the sales team.

To create a new round, go to the Performance Module on the sidebar and then to the Review Rounds section as below. Then click on the Create Round button.

Creating a new round is easy, and we guide you through the process using the following flow. You can always come back and continue with this later or complete the setup but only start the Review Round later.


Here you will select the starting and closing date for your Review Round. The Close Date will be the deadline for all the underlying Reviews.


Here you will select the default templates for each user group in Reviews. For instance, you could use one template for Peers and another for Managers. Please make sure that you have set up your templates first.


This step allows you to select which users to be reviewed. 

Sharing and Sign Off

This allows you to set which information is shared with the reviewees through Roslin. 


This screen will ensure that all users have moderators set and will warn if not.


Finally, you can review your settings before launching the Review Round. It will launch immediately, and all moderators will be notified that they should set up their Reviews for their Reviewees. Essentially, moderators take over from here. Once they are done, you can close the Review Round.

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